The Township of Upper Makefield, offices located at 1076 Eagle Road, Newtown, PA 18940, will receive sealed bids online until 11:00 A.M., prevailing time on Wednesday, April 5th, 2023 at which time and place the bids shall be publicly opened and read aloud for:
Contract 23-01006 – 2023 ROAD PAVING PROJECT.
The Project includes a base bid and two (2) alternates in Upper Makefield Township. The base contract roadways are Bailey Drive, Bakers Drive, Bankers Drive, Beaumont Drive, Dunkin Drive, Emerald Court and Russel Court. The work generally includes 3’ tapered edge mill, full 1 ½” depth milling, base repair, leveling course, and wearing course overlay.
Alternate #1, Upper Makefield Township Complex, generally includes full 1 ½” depth milling, base repair, leveling course, wearing course overlay and miscellaneous line striping.
Alternate #2, Declaration Place, generally includes full 1 ½” depth milling, base repair, and wearing course overlay.
All Bidding Documents and Solicitation details may be obtained at PennBid™ Click on the “Solicitations” then “View” tabs. All documents, specifications, and drawings can be obtained, and secure bids submitted online at no cost. PennBid™ has revised their fees for awarded projects as follows (for bidding questions contact PennBID at
- Term Contracts (as percentage of contract value) – 1/6 of 1% (.00166).
- Fixed Fee Contracts (as percentage of contract value) – 1/3 of 1% (.0033).
- Minimum fee of $100 and maximum cap of $5,000 (for larger multi-million-dollar projects).
- To maintain alignment with the public bidding threshold, there will be no fees for any contracts less than $21,900.00.
For bidders who are not the winning bid; there are absolutely no fees.
Each bid shall be submitted in accordance with the Instructions to Bidders and must be accompanied by a Bid Bond or Certified Check for not less than ten percent (10%) of the Bid amount payable to the Township of Upper Makefield along with an Agreement of Surety certifying that the required Performance and Payment Bonds will be provided to the Bidder.
The successful Bidder shall be required to furnish proof of insurance and bonds for Performance, Payment, and Maintenance in such form as meets the approval of the Township of Upper Makefield and having as security thereon such Surety company or companies as are approved by the Township of Upper Makefield.
A pre-bid meeting will not be held for this project.
This project is subject to applicable provisions of Act 422, Pennsylvania Prevailing Wage Act as amended and the prevailing minimum wage rates issued by the Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry.
No Bidder may withdraw his bid within sixty (60) days after the date set for the opening of the bids.
The Township of Upper Makefield reserves the right to reject any and all bids for any cause whatsoever, to eliminate any item or items from the contract, and to waive any informality in the bids.
The Township of Upper Makefield reserves the right to increase or decrease any or all of the quantities of work or to omit any of them, as it may deem necessary and such increase or decrease of the quantities given for any of the items shall not be considered as sufficient grounds for granting an increase in the unit prices bid. The contractor will be paid at the unit prices bid for actual work performed in accordance with the terms of the contract. Bid shall be awarded to lowest bidder for combined base Bid and any Alternatives chosen by the Township.
By order of: The Township of Upper Makefield
Owner: The Township of Upper Makefield