Emergency Management
Our Emergency Management Team, led by Coordinator Robert Kay, Sr., developed and maintains a comprehensive emergency management plan to address various types of emergencies, including preparing for, responding to, and recovery from emergencies.
Together this team works with Township departments, volunteer units, regional partners, and other organizations that may have a role in an emergency.
Fire and EMS
The Upper Makefield Fire Company serves the majority of the Township, along with the Lingohocken Fire Company. Both are all-volunteer fire companies. Newtown EMS provides 24/7 emergency service with a Responder vehicle housed at UMFC Station 71 on Taylorsville Road. The Fire Marshal regularly inspects commercial properties and reviews fire safety for public buildings during the planning process.
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Our team stays apprised of weather forecasts and monitors river levels. To help residents stay informed, we’ve developed a checklist for how you can mitigate flooding and power outages. We have detailed flood mitigation information, developed with FEMA, as well. Read More
Power Outages
When you lose power, text PECO, (Text “OUT” to 697326) or report it online. PECO scores calls to set priorities, so the earlier a customer calls, the sooner power may be restored. * Message and Data Rates may apply. Reminder: To report a gas emergency or a downed or sparking power line, please call 1-800-841-4141.
Emergency Preparedness Made Simple
View in FEMA Multimedia Library
Download this app from FEMA for Emergency alerts, safety tips, a supply kit checklist and more. Read Emergency Tips, by type of event at ready.gov.