Boards and Commissions

Agricultural Security Board 

The Agricultural Security Board considers applications for inclusion in the Township’s Agricultural Security area as well as assists in the consideration of open space donations and conservation easements. Members include one Supervisor member, 3 farmers, and one other resident. Meetings are held as needed.
Bud Baldwin
Dwight Ely
Carl Slack
Brenda Slack
Tom Cino, Supervisor

Council Rock Senior Citizens Center 


Environmental Advisory Council (EAC) 

The EAC, a 7-member advisory council, focuses on environmental issues that directly and indirectly affect the Township. The EAC reviews properties for inclusion in the plan to preserve Upper Makefield’s Farmland and Open Space and makes recommendations to the Board. The EAC also comments on various environmental issues and reviews appropriate land development ordinances being written or revised. Meetings are held on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m.

Catherine Magliocchetti, Chair
Harry Barfoot III, Vice Chair
Bud Baldwin
Carolyn Dorph
Edward Hale
Ellen Radow
Jack Wiseman

View EAC Meeting Minutes

Financial Advisory Committee 

The Financial Advisory Committee advises the Board of Supervisors on financial matters of the Township. Projects are assigned by the Board of Supervisors on a case-by-case basis. Ad hoc members may be appointed by the Supervisors, if their expertise can benefit the research of a specific project. The Township Manager and the Board of Supervisors’ liaison are non-voting members of the committee. Meetings are as needed.

Ray Myslinski, Chair
Vacancy, Vice Chair
Harold Tamburro
Elizabeth Thompson
Jason Yager
Braun Taylor, Supervisor
David Nyman, Township Manager

View Financial Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes

Historical Advisory Commission 

The Historical Advisory Commission promotes the appreciation and protection of historic resources throughout Upper Makefield Township for the benefit of current and future residents. Commission members advise the Board of Supervisors on the identification, documentation, and preservation of the Township’s historic sites, buildings, and documents. Members are appointed by the Board of Supervisors to a 5-year term, with not more than one term expiring annually. Meetings are held as needed.

Maureen Ferrazzi, Chair
Diana Kelly, Vice Chair
Ellen Goldblatt, Secretary
Virginia Cleary
Nate Semmel

View Historical Advisory Commission Meeting Minutes

Historical Architectural Review Board 

The Historic Architectural Review Board (HARB) advises the Board of Supervisors on the issuance of Certificates of Appropriateness as well as building permits for exterior work that will be visible from public streets in historic areas. Meetings are held as needed.

James Galvin
Peter J. Gilles, Jr.
Tom Merchant
Andrew Sommers
Denise Burmester

View Historical Architectural Review Board Meeting Minutes

Investment Committee 

The Investment Committee is responsible for the prudent management of the investment portfolio of the Upper Makefield Township Defined Benefit Pension Plan. Members have an advisory role and are responsible for the selection and retention of professional advisors to the portfolio, which may include investment consultants. Committee members are appointed to 4-year terms by the Board of Supervisors. Members must comply with the Pennsylvania Public Official and Employee Ethics Act, and disclose any conflict of interest. Meetings are held at least semi-annually with additional meetings as needed.  Members include 3 residents, a Supervisor, a Police Department representative and the Township Manager.

Neil Werberig, Chair
Nathan Semmel, Vice Chair
Tom Linus, Resident Member
Eric Farra, Police Representative
Tom Cino, Supervisor
David R. Nyman, Township Manager

View Investment Committee Meeting Minutes

Park & Recreation Board 

The Park & Recreation Board advises the Board of Supervisors and staff on developing and maintaining park land and facilities for the enjoyment of residents and visitors alike. The Board of Supervisors appoints 7 members to 5-year terms. Meetings are held on the 2nd Monday of each month at 7:30 p.m.

Robert Rupp,  Chair
Debbie Stasolla, Vice Chair
Kathryn Benson
Lynn Trstensky
Andrew Reiss
Melissa Carpenter

View Parks & Recreation Board Meeting Minutes

Planning Commission 

The Planning Commission is an advisory body to the Board of Supervisors, making recommendations for land development and subdivision applications, zoning and building code ordinances, and matters of long-range planning. The Planning Commission is comprised of 7 citizens appointed by the Board of Supervisors to 4-year terms. The meetings are held the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 7 p.m.

Kathleen Pisauro, Chair
Phil Feig, Vice Chair
Bud Baldwin
Harry Barfoot
Leena Saini
Karin Traina
Jack Wiseman

View Planning Commission Meeting Minutes

Traffic Advisory Committee 

The Traffic Advisory Committee reviews potential traffic safety concerns in the Township as assigned by the Board of Supervisors and  makes recommendations for improvement to the Board of Supervisors. Ad hoc members may be appointed by the Supervisors if their expertise can benefit the research of a specific project. The Township Manager and the Board of Supervisors’ liaison are non-voting members of the committee.

Leena Saini, Chair
Sean Cottrell, Vice Chair
Larry Dennedy, Secretary
David Frascella
Robert Palmer
Supervisor Liaison Ben Weldon
Township Manager Dave Nyman

Vacancy Board

The Vacancy Board is a one-member Board appointed annually by the Board of Supervisors.  This person serves to fill a vacancy on the Board of Supervisors when a vote is needed to appoint a candidate to fill a vacant supervisor position.

Carolyn Dorph, Chair

Zoning Hearing Board 

The Zoning Hearing Board is a quasi-judicial body comprised of 5 members appointed to 5-year terms and up to 3 alternates, who serve 3-year terms. The Zoning Hearing Board helps ensure fair and equitable application of the zoning ordinances by granting relief from the literal enforcement of the ordinances in certain situations.  Meetings are held the 4th Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. or as needed.  The process to request a relief can add time and cost to your project, so homeowners are encouraged to contact the Planning & Zoning Dept. early in the planning process.  They may be able to help you design within the Code or offer suggestions to limit the relief requested.  Please review this outline explaining the Zoning Hearing Board application process.

Jack Pidgeon, Chair
Ron Smolow, Vice Chair
Jane Johnson
Hank Lieberman
Eric Schaal
Gwyneth Linus, Alternate
Ken Rubin, Alternate

View Zoning Hearing Board Notices