Pineville Road – Work Scheduled to begin June 4

May 9th, 2024

PennDOT is scheduled to chip and seal Pineville Road beginning Tuesday, June 4. While the road will remain open, motorist should expect some delays due to one lane traffic restrictions.

The start date for the Pineville Road Project has been delayed by PennDOT. Updates will be provided when they become available.

PennDOT has scheduled work on Pineville Road during the month of May. While the road will remain open, motorist should expect some delays due to one lane traffic restrictions.

Below is the schedule of planned work, however dates may change due to weather.

Week of May 6thChip seal Pineville Road

Week of May 13th – Sweep loose aggregate

Week of May 20th – Finish sweeping and final application of Polymer Modified Fog Seal

Week of May 28th– Line Striping

Thank you for your patience!