We love the river and field views in Upper Makefield. Many of us settled here just for the view!
Today, nearly 40 percent of Upper Makefield’s land is permanently preserved from development. That’s because, for over 2 decades, Upper Makefield officials and residents worked actively with developers, county government, and nonprofit preservation organizations to conserve open space. Maintaining Upper Makefield’s gorgeous viewshed requires ongoing coordination among property owners and Township officials.
Land Preservation
Our 2009 Open Space Plan prioritizes additional open space opportunities. Typically, opportunities arise when properties change hands or new programs incentivize property owners to permanently protect their land from further development.
Stormwater Management
When it rains, stormwater running into our creeks and tributaries to the Delaware River includes runoff from our homes, our businesses, and our farms. Extreme weather stirs up this process, often contaminating both water and land with pollutants. To protect our land and water, Township goals include educating residents in stormwater management. For those living in flood zones, we work with FEMA, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, to offer property owners opportunities to prevent floodwater damage.
Riparian Restoration
Ongoing Township programs encourage residents to help us protect the fragile lands along our creeks and tributaries of the Delaware River. The Tree Grant Program. Our Stormwater Management Program includes education and resources for residents to maintain and prevent pollutant discharge, and the Riparian Restoration and Preservation Grant Program helps fund qualifying riparian restoration projects.
Tree Planting and Tree Grants
Tree Grant Program
The Township offers grants and programs to encourage tree planting. Reforestation helps us restore riparian buffer areas impacted by severe weather and flooding, promotes wildlife habitat, and offers thermal protection of homes. Residents may submit an application to the Tree Grant Program for reimbursement of tree purchase, planting and deer fencing costs.
Sustainable Community
In late 2015, Upper Makefield Township agreed to work toward a broader vision of a Sustainable Community.
Since then, the Township has continued to update its work in pursuit of the Platinum designation as a Pennsylvania Sustainable Community.