Tree Removals Need a Permit

March 21st, 2022

Did you know that if you plan to remove a tree that is six inches or more in diameter, you need to apply for a permit? This includes dead tree removal, which must also include photos of the tree(s) to be removed. Here is a list of forms and submissions required before any trees are removed:

  • Zoning Use and Occupancy Permit Application, include the number of trees to be removed in the Description of Proposed Improvement. This constitutes the tree removal permit. The application should also include:  
  • A Plot Plan indicating each tree location, tree species and dimensions. 
  • A Reforestation Plan of the proposed replacement trees, noting location, caliper and species, where applicable.
  • A Letter from owner indicating reason for tree removal.
  • A Certificate of Insurance from the arborist removing the tree, naming Upper Makefield Township as “Certificate Holder.” 

If you must remove a tree, the Township encourages replanting. Our UMTree Grant Program is a developer-funded program that reimburses property owners up to $975 for purchase, planting and protective fencing for up to 12 new Pennsylvania native trees. Please see UMTree Grant Program for details.