The US Dept. of Agriculture reports that the invasive Spotted Lanternfly has been found in Pennsylvania. These pests pose a significant threat to trees and agriculture, feeding on sap and excreting a sticky fluid which attracts other insects and encourages mold. Early detection is vital to help stop the spread and destruction caused by the SLF. Inspectors from the USDA will be in the Township looking for signs of the SLF and the host tree – Tree of Heaven. Inspectors will have a USDA identification on their badge and clothing and usually drive vehicles with a USDA license plate.
Penn State Extension is working in cooperation with the USDA to provide up-to-date information. A guide for spotting, reporting and managing the SLF can be found on their website . Since Bucks County is a quarantined county, you must make sure not to transport any living life stages of the SLF to new areas. Eggs can be laid on any hard surface – like outdoor furniture, cars, decks – not just trees. So before outdoor items are moved from the quarantine area, check for spotted lanternfly egg masses, adults, and nymphs. Make sure all items are pest free before you move them to help keep this pest from spreading. This checklist will help with inspections and these photographs to help identify the different stages.
Penn State Extension
US Dept. of Agriculture
PA Dept. of Agriculture
What to look for: Spotted Lanternfly
Report a Siting/Stop the Spread: SLF