Water, Sewer and OLDS

As a rural, residential community, Upper Makefield provides public wastewater treatment in only a few residential developments. Throughout the rest of the Township, residents must carefully manage and maintain their private wastewater systems, commonly referred to as OLDS. Improper wastewater disposal could result in contamination of your own water supply, and that of your neighbors.

Private Systems

Submit Septic Hauler’s Reports to the Township Every 2-3 years All owners of on-lot sewage disposal systems must have their tanks emptied by a licensed hauler at least every 3 years, depending on location. Please contact the Planning & Zoning Department at 215-968-3340 for specific requirements for your OLDS. After pumping the tank, the property owner must submit a copy of the hauler’s report to the Planning and Zoning Office. Dolington/Taylorsville Designated Areas Residents in the designated areas of Dolington/Taylorsville are required to submit annual Owner Inspection Reports. Additionally, those systems must also be pumped biannually. Be Septic Smart Keep your property and family safe by following safe practices with your septic system. This includes regular cleanouts every 2 or 3 years, managing vegetation in the vicinity of the OLDS so roots don’t expand and block drains, and maintaining system parts to preventing freezing during cold weather. Here’s a SepticSmart checklist.

Licensed On-lot Septic System Haulers

B&C Septic Service

Sellersville, Pennsylvania

McGovern Environmental, LLC

West Chester, Pennsylvania

Clemens Septic Service

Telford, Pennsylvania

River Valley Septic

Riegelsville, Pennsylvania

Zoom Drain

Plymouth Meeting, Pennsylvania

Gary’s Septic Service

Pipersville, Pennsylvania

George Allen Waste Water Management

Chalfont, Pennsylvania

Franc Environmental, Inc.

Ivyland, Pennsylvania

Norbill Disposal

Doylestown, Pennsylvania

Stinky’s Septic Services

Lambertville, New Jersey

Christman's Septic Service

Fogelsville, Pennsylvania

Sewage Facilities Planning

Because Upper Makefield Township offers minimal public sewage service, the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection requires the Township to periodically review the adequacy of the existing OLDS that serve the remaining areas of the Township. If the private systems are failing, the Township may be required to install public sewage facilities.

Act 537 Compliance

Upper Makefield Township’s Act 537 Sewage Facilities Plan, first adopted in 1978, was comprehensively reviewed over the past decade. Most recently in 2013, a study of existing OLDS was conducted focusing on the Dolington/Taylorsville Areas, where some septic systems appeared to be failing. Based upon this study, Township Officials determined that public sewer systems were not needed in these areas, as long as the existing OLDS were properly maintained. After a multi-year review of options, the Township received approval of its Act 537 Update in 2015.

2016 Progress Report

In the approved 2015 Act 537 Sewage Facilities Plan Update, the Township committed to a 5-year planning period, with tasks described here. (Please look for Appendix K in Bookmarks of this document.) This includes creation of a new database to track property-owner compliance with maintenance of their OLDS and performance documentation. To achieve high compliance, Township-sponsored public awareness programming is ongoing to help property owners understand the new monitoring and maintenance procedures for their OLDS.

Special Sewage Management Districts

The 2015 Act 537 Sewage Facilities Plan Update designated the Dolington and Taylorville areas as “Special Sewage Management Districts.” The enabling Ordinance No. 311 describes additional requirements for the use, construction, maintenance and repair of OLDS. However, we do require regular system pumping and maintenance updates by each property owner to ensure the OLDS will continue to function properly, thereby avoiding the potential expense of installing a public septic system in the future. In these designated areas, residents are required to submit an annual Inspection Report and the systems are required to be pumped biannually. Here’s the OLDS Owner Inspection Report. If you have questions about your specific property, please call the Planning &Zoning Office at 215-968-3340.

2015 Approved Act 537 Sewage Facilities Plan Update

Here’s a summary of document links related to the Act 537 Plan Update. 2015 Approved Act 537 Sewage Facilities Plan Update Note: The 2015 approved plan is based on the following 2013 surveys and reports, which were reviewed and discussed at many public meetings.

  • Appendix A. Wasteload Management 2013 Report for Heritage Hills and Dutchess Farms wastewater treatment plants.
  • Appendix B. On-Lot Sewage System 2013 Survey of Taylorsville Area.
  • Appendix C. On-Lot Sewage System 2013 Survey of Dolington Area. (attachments to Appendix C available for review at the Upper Makefield Township Building)
  • Appendices D-K to the Act 537 Sewage Facilities Plan Update, (dating from 2010 to 2015) are in one document, bookmarked within the document.
  • Appendix D is the 2010 OLDS Ordinance Update.
  • Appendix E is a 2003 map of Stormwater Management Districts.
  • Appendix F is a 2014 letter from PA DEP defining potential treatment effluent limits if the Township were to construct a sewage treatment plant in Dolington, between Towerview and Balderston Drives near Washington Crossing and Dolington Roads. This allowed the Township to assess feasibility should the Dolington area require public sewer facilities.
  • Appendix G is two letters from 2014 from vendors who provide treatment systems, describing their system’s ability to meet PADEP & EPA requirements.
  • Appendix H is proof of public notice regarding the ACT 537 update.
  • Appendix I is a list of all property owners notified (Plan Update Review Correspondence) regarding the ACT 537 update. It also lists 6 state and governmental entities who received correspondence regarding the plan update.
  • Appendix J is the March 17, 2015 Board of Supervisors resolution to submit its update and revision of the “Official Plan” for approval from PA-EPA.
  • Appendix K is the Plan Content and Environmental Assessment Checklist